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Can You Paint Cabinets Without Sanding?

cabinet painting without sandingHow you would like to bring new life to your aging cabinets? One way to achieve this goal is by painting your cabinets. However, you’ll need to take steps to properly prepare your cabinets before painting them. Otherwise, there is a risk that you’re going to experience issues. For instance, the paint may not adhere to the surface. Below, you’ll find out what you need to do what painting your cabinets.

Raw Surfaces

Are you dealing with raw, unfinished cabinet wood? If the wood hasn’t been painted or varnished, you likely won’t need to do anything. The surface should be flawless and even. As a result, you should be able to paint it immediately. Be sure to let the paint seep into the wood to ensure that it’ll dry and last many, many years.

Surfaces Painted Not Long Ago

Has the surface been painted recently? When dealing with such surfaces, you likely do not need to sand them first. Nevertheless, it is likely a good idea to do so. Cabinets that were painted within a year can be painted without needing to remove the current coat first. When you’re positive that the surface was painted not long ago, the surface should be even and flawless. Therefore, you can paint it immediately. However, the original coat might not have been applied correctly.

It might not be even or some of the paint might’ve chipped. In this type of situation, you’ll want to sand the surface before painting it.

Peeling Paint Or Damaged Paint

Unfortunately, cabinet paint is going to crack and peel over a period. If the paint is damaged, you’ll need to replace it as soon as possible. However, you’ll need to sand the surface first. If the surface is uneven, you’ll experience issues when painting it. Even if you apply three or four coats, there is a chance that it won’t look great. You’ll want to make sure that the surface is going to be even once you’ve finished. The best way to achieve this goal is by sanding it first.

Shiny Surfaces & Varnished Surfaces

Some cabinets have shiny or varnished surfaces. Polyurethane varnishes are very helpful for protecting the surface. However, it means that you’ll need to take another step when attempting to paint the wood in question. The new coat isn’t going to stick to the varnish. Therefore, you’ll need to sand the varnish. Once you’ve done that, you should be able to paint the surface without issues.

Before you can paint the surface, you need to find out what you’re dealing with. You need to know whether you need to sand the surface first. Once you’ve found out, you can begin taking steps to paint your cabinets. If you don’t sand them, there is a chance that the paint won’t stick. Alternatively, it might have an uneven finish. To prevent this from happening, you’ll want to sand the surface before painting it.

Doing so is the best way to get satisfactory results and avoid aesthetic complications.

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